I fully support the presence of a public option in the health care bill. Our system is one of the most expensive in the world because of the obscene profits allowed the insurance companies for depriving their clients of appropriate coverage. Senators and Representatives are scrambling to pay back these entities for their previous campaign contributions. Citizens deserve more.
We want a public option. Powerful forces are arrayed against us but we must stand firm, Mr. Boswell. I know you are under a huge amount of pressure from some very wealthy interest groups but Iowans are not wealthy, as you know, and we are not usually a loud and inappropriate citizenry, but we do know what is right for Iowa.
We have been on the short end of Medicare funds distribution for some time. Iowa’s hospitals and doctors are reimbursed at some of the lowest rates in the nation. Where are our representatives? If you won't protect us from monopolies and price gouging, who will, Sir?
When I have had a chance to vote for you, I have supported you because your statements sound considered and your responses are reasonable. Please, we beg you; this may well be our best chance to have the crushing burden of health coverage lifted from small business and the American people. This is no time for partisanship as you say.
As a frequent board, organization and committee member, I know that there are many ways to look at costs when planning. I ask only this: (1) Consider the cost of leaving things the way they are. (2) When evaluating costs, don't discount the potential for increased revenue from businesses that may thrive freed from the unfair burden of covering their employees. (3) Iowa citizens will be paying for coverage no matter who offers it, government or business. Paying many millions of dollars to health care executives to find ways to deny coverage to the elderly, women and children yields benefits for very few. (4) Citizens have no recourse in their struggle against the banking and insurance monoliths.
Sir, please end this injustice. No one elected you to be a Social Darwinist. No one 'deserves' to die and no one is 'fated' to die. Health care should not be slathered on the affluent and withheld from the destitute - not now, not ever.
In conclusion, once again, please end this travesty now. Save money by trimming pork from all of the rest of your fellows' self-serving agendas. Increase taxes if you must and then adjust the system to make it fair to the poor and disadvantaged. Please do not stop until we have a fair and just health care offering for YOUR people, for Iowans.
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