Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hate and The Conservative Caucus

An Open Letter to The Conservative Caucus (In response to their 'US Taxpayers' Campaign Against a Multilingual America')

What disgusting, vile and hateful little nest of morally bankrupt buzzards is this?

Our republic was built on finer stuff than this and was forged from the talents of people fleeing the very kind of crap you are peddling. Your views are hermetic, bigoted and totally antithetical to anything for which this country has ever stood.

We live in a world that cries out for even-handed and unprejudiced leadership. You are liars and vigilantes and do not deserve the protections of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights but you have them nonetheless.

Intelligent people everywhere hold you and your narrow-minded allies in absolute contempt. It is my fervent wish that justice prevail and your hate speech will one day be silenced forever.

I have made a donation to NCLR (National Council of La Raza) in direct response to your request that I sign your petition. I hope this fascist effort cost you dearly and yields the response it deserves - overwhelming outrage and national action to combat this putrid screed and those who fostered it.

You disgust me.


j blum said...

I totally agree !!!

TRex said...

Oddly enough, I got one of those letters in the mail (the same one you probably got) but I cannot find anything on the "Conservative Caucus" website to indicate they had anything to do with it.
