While you've been worrying about whether the obscenely rich and environmentally irresponsible are gorged enough to regurgitate into your campaign funds; education, healthcare and child safety have been compromised to the extent that no socially conscious employer would think of settling here. Where are the potential employees going to be nurtured? I don't think most technology companies will consider the penitentiary to be a reliable conduit for human resources.
The art of governing is about providing balanced opportunities for citizens while insuring their security and their rights. Your party's abysmal record of embracing any thoughtful approach to governing for the people is a masterpiece ablaze in neon.
I ask of you the same thing I asked of Representative Klein; stop spending your time trying to find ways to abrogate Iowans' rights. Elevate the level of discourse when deciding our future. I do realize that slashing education and healthcare funding will create more opportunities for you to sell your political agenda to the unwitting. History, however, will record your assault on reason accurately. Alas, those very books will make a nice bonfire to keep your party's fatted calves toasty warm and dually serve to ensure that the populace remains unaware of your real motives.
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