I just heard that the Senate has passed the Class "E" liquor bill to allow gas stations to sell hard liquor as a part of their gas station. PLEASE DON'T SIGN THIS BILL! Iowa is in the top ten for binge drinking in the nation. This is not something to be proud of. If we allow more access to hard liquor, we will see an even bigger increase in binge drinking rates and all the state's costs that go into dealing with these issues in our communities. Right now I believe there are 71 gas stations that have built on the separate or divided a room with a separate door making it legal for them to sell hard liquor in their convenience store. If you sign it, there are 1,890 gas stations/convenience stores that currently have only a Class B (beer type) liquor license—most of them will likely sell hard liquor too if they are easily allowed! The current law loophole that allows separate or divided rooms are NOT a good idea, either. Any place you put alcohol that effects your body and combine it with a place to gas up your car is NOT good. By signing this bill, we will be taking a big step back in Iowa to prevent teens (and adults) from abusing alcohol. I recently talked with Lt. Governor Reynolds about alcohol abuse in Iowa, and I believe she agrees that something more needs to be done to prevent it. This will increase access to hard liquor tremendously all at once in Iowa if passed, as well as be a dangerous combination of buying hard liquor at the same place as purchasing a tank full of gas for the car! Please choose NOT to sign this bill. It will save Iowans' lives.
Thank you, SAFE Coalition!